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Route de Maguelone
34250 Palavas-les-FlotsLanguedoc Roussillon
Active holidaymakers will have no trouble finding activities to do during their stay thanks to the numerous facilities at the Le Palavas campsite. Volleyball, football and petanque will give you the opportunity to get to know each other under the Mediterranean sun. Team sports such as yoga, zumba or stretching are also run by our team. To make the most of the sea, you can rent equipment directly from the campsite reception. Paddle or Jet-Ski, it’s up to you!
Can you imagine your holiday being more relaxing? A games room with pool table and table football will allow you to enjoy yourself after a day spent at the pool or at the sea. In the evening, you will appreciate the festive atmosphere in the campsite thanks to the many activities organised. You will have fun with your family watching a show and enjoy some great moments with themed evenings and the dance floor. Guaranteed good humour.
Volleyball | |
Multisports ground | |
Petanque | |
Table tennis | |
Basketball |
Football | |
Muscular toning | |
Fitness/stretching | |
Yoga | |
Zumba |
Stand-up paddle | Extra charge | |
Jet ski | Extra charge |
Diving | Extra charge | |
Table football | Extra charge |
Sport competitions | |
Entertainment / water games | |
Kids and Teens Clubs |
Dance evenings | |
Shows |
Period of entertainment
from 06/04 to 15/09
Spoken languages
In high season: all activities will be running
In low season: a number of low-key activities will be organised from time to time